| BUKHARA Bukhara
Population: 255,000 people. Bukhara is located in the middle of Kyzykum desert,
250 kms downstream the Zarafshan River. Main part of modern city lies in the south
of historical center. After Samarkand's bright mosaics, Bukhara may appear to
be in a grey brown tone at first sight and could even slightly disappoint a visitor.
However, when an hour passes after another witness something that at the end makes
you question your goodself: "after all, which one is better - Samarkand or
Bukhara?" And now it is your matter of taste which one to choose. The
name Bukhara originates from Sanskrit 'Vihar' - cloister, or from Persian 'Bukhar'
- source of knowledge. Reflecting those names meaning, Bukhara was known as a
place of prayer and doctrine in the history. Bukhara was the capital of Samanids
state during 9th -10th centuries AD. It was called Bukhoro-I-Sharif (Sacred Bukhara).
Comparable to Newton and Shakespeare from the West, scientist - philosophers as
Abu Ali Ibn Sino (Avicenna), poets Firdawsiy and Rudakiy - prominent figures in
Islam, were born and grown here.
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